Oatmeal is a wonderful natural soothing agent for the skin. Help soothe itchy dry skin with these organic oatmeal bath bags.
Drop one bag into your hogs bath water and watch the oats release its nourishing 'milky' liquid into the water. It is beneficial to scoop the water over your hog or gently squeeze the bag releasing the moisturising oat water over their back.
This pack contains 5 single use oatmeal bath bags and should be discarded after use.
It is best to store in an air tight container and keep away from moisture.
I bath my hogs 1-2 times a month depending on how stinky they have been! Some hedgehogs need to be bathed more frequently than others, they are all different. Bathing helps to relieve dry skin however if you bath your hog too much it may contribute to dry skin.